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Journal Articles

Experimental validation of transmutation behavior for U and Am samples irradiated under fast neutron spectra based on chemical analysis

Onishi, Takashi; Koyama, Shinichi

JAEA-Conf 2012-002, p.115 - 119, 2012/12

Concepts of effective use and recycling of minor actinide (MA) in fast reactor were proposed. Evaluation of MA transmutation behavior plays important roles for this purpose. Therefore, Am and U samples with high purity were irradiated in an experimental fast reactor Joyo. Transmutation behavior of Am and U samples were evaluated experimentally by chemical analysis. Transmutation ratios of $$^{241}$$Am were calculated. Their dependence on neutron flux and neutron energy was evaluated. $$^{239}$$Pu production per neutron fluence from $$^{238}$$U in the reflector region was larger than that in the fuel stack region.

Journal Articles

Neutron irradiation tests for beryllium material selection of neutron reflector in JMTR

Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Ito, Masayasu; Kitagishi, Shigeru; Endo, Yasuichi; Saito, Takashi; Hanawa, Yoshio; Dorn, C. K.*

JAEA-Conf 2012-002, p.111 - 114, 2012/12

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Conceptual design of multipurpose compact research reactor

Nagata, Hiroshi; Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi; Hori, Naohiko; Kaminaga, Masanori

no journal, , 

Conceptual design of the high-performance and low-cost multipurpose compact research reactor which will be expected to construct in the nuclear power plant introduction countries, started from 2010 in JAEA and nuclear-related companies in Japan. The aims of this conceptual design are to achieve highly safe reactor, economical design, high availability factor and advanced irradiation utilization. Some types of materials testing reactors such as tank type, swimming pool type, etc. are operated in the world. Swimming pool type reactors are generally economical on running cost. From the viewpoint of neutron economy, high power reactors more than about 30 MW are uneconomical on fuel cost because of neutron poisoning. One of the basic reactor concept was therefore determined as swimming pool type, thermal power of 10 MW and water cooled and moderated reactor with plate type fuel element same as the JMTR.

Oral presentation

Thermal-hydraulic tests with out-of pile test facility for BOCA development

Kitagishi, Shigeru; Aoyama, Masashi; Tobita, Masahiro; Inaba, Yoshitomo; Yamaura, Takayuki

no journal, , 

For the up-graded use and the lifetime extension of LWRs, the JMTR has a plan of power ramping tests on new design LWR fuels. The purpose of the power ramping tests is to evaluate the fuel behavior during power ramping condition using a capsule inserted into the OSF-1. The design and fabrication of the natural convection capsule used in the power ramping tests has been carried out based on BOCA, which had experience on power ramping tests of 8$$times$$8 BWR fuels. The outer cladding diameter of 8$$times$$8 BWR fuels is 12 mm. On the other hand, for a high power, the outer cladding diameter of the new design LWR fuel is changed to 9.5 mm. And, there is potential for transition from nucleate boiling to film boiling because the heat flux of the peak linear power 600 W/cm in the tests approaches the critical heat flux. In this study, prior to the irradiation tests of the fuels, the out-of pile test facility, which had a heater pin instead of a test fuel pin, was designed and fabricated to simulate the capsules used in power ramping tests, and thermal-hydraulic tests were carried out using the out-of pile test facility. In addition, in order to investigate the thermal-hydraulic behavior in the capsule, the out-of pile tests were simulated numerically using the improved analysis code ACE-3D. From these experimental and analytical results, it was found that the power ramping tests with fuels with their outer cladding diameters of 9.5 mm are able to be realized up to linear power 600 W/cm in JMTR.

Oral presentation

Out-pile tests for improved type rabbits in JMTR

Kitagishi, Shigeru; Isozaki, Futoshi; Takita, Kenji; Aoyama, Masashi; Matsui, Yoshinori

no journal, , 

As one of the production of radioisotopes, JMTR has a plan to produce $$^{99}$$Mo which is a parent nuclide of $$^{rm 99m}$$Tc. The new hydraulic-rabbit-irradiation-facility is carried out to be set up in the preparation of the $$^{99}$$Mo production facility. For the expansion of use, the new facility was designed to be able to irradiate rabbits more than it used to be. However, it takes more than about ten days to assemble the rabbit. For this reason, it is required shortening of the assembly period. The improved type of rabbit, which was developed to shorten the assembly period in JRR-3, was focused. And, out-pile tests were carried out for research of the fabrication of the improved type rabbit and the endurance performance under the usage environment in JMTR. In these tests, first, the assembly device for the improved type of rabbit was designed and fabricated, and the fabrication test was carried out using the assembly device. Next, the endurance performance tests were carried out using mock-up rabbits. From the results of these tests, there were bright prospects of the manufacturability of the improved type of rabbit had good sealing performance and utilizing in the irradiation test of JMTR.

Oral presentation

Development of X-ray CT scanner system

Kato, Yoshiaki; Ito, Masayasu; Sozawa, Shizuo; Yonekawa, Minoru

no journal, , 

To contribute to the aging countermeasure of LWR, the improvement of science and technology and to meet the demands of high-value technical data, three-dimensional X-ray system was prepared. The equipment has completed within concrete No.3 cell in FY 2009, and now started sharing. With this system, the technology of GOST method was developed to reduce the effects of $$gamma$$-rays generated by test sample, therefore a clear image was obtained for the irradiated test sample that generates a high radiation.

Oral presentation

Current status of JMTR

Kaminaga, Masanori; Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi; Ishihara, Masahiro; Komori, Yoshihiro; Suzuki, Masahide; Hori, Naohiko

no journal, , 

The Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is a light water cooled tank type reactor with first criticality in March 1968. Owing to the connection between the JMTR and hot laboratory by a canal, easy re-irradiation tests can be conducted with safe and quick transportation of irradiated samples. The renewed JMTR will be started from JFY 2012 and operated for a period of about 20 years until around JFY 2030. The usability improvement of the JMTR, e.g. higher reactor availability, shortening turnaround time to get irradiation results, attractive irradiation cost, business confidence, is also discussed with users as the preparations for re-operation.

Oral presentation

$$^{99}$$Mo-$$^{rm 99m}$$Tc production development by (n,$$gamma$$) reaction

Izumo, Hironobu; Nishikata, Kaori; Kimura, Akihiro; Tanimoto, Masataka; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Ishihara, Masahiro; Kaminaga, Masanori

no journal, , 

Currently, in case of Japan, supply of $$^{99}$$Mo depends only on imports from foreign countries, therefore JAEA has a plan to produce $$^{99}$$Mo, a parent nuclide of $$^{rm 99m}$$Tc. $$^{rm 99m}$$Tc is most commonly used as a radiopharmaceutical in the field of nuclear medicine. The renewed JMTR will be started from the later half of JFY2012, and it is expected to various fields. As one of effective uses of the JMTR, and JMTR contribute to produce $$^{99}$$Mo by (n,g) method. Therefore, JAEA has been performed the R&D on production method of $$^{99}$$Mo-$$^{rm 99m}$$Tc in JMTR. In this report, the study items and outline of the R&D for the items will be explained.

Oral presentation

International standardization of instruments for neutron irradiation tests

Tanimoto, Masataka; Cho, M.*; Shibata, Akira; Lee, C.*; Nakamura, Jinichi; Park, S.*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Choo, K.*

no journal, , 

The JMTR in JAEA and HANARO in KAERI are the foremost testing/research reactors in the world and these are expected to contribute to many nuclear fields. As a part of instrument development in irradiation field, information exchange of instruments started from 2010 under the cooperation agreements between KAERI and JAEA. To get measurement data with high accuracy for fuel and material behavior studies in irradiation tests, many types of measuring equipments have been developed; these are the multi-paired thermocouples, the Linear Voltage Differential Transformer (LVDT) type gas pressure gauge and Self-Powered Neutron Detector (SPND). In this presentation, the instruments developed in JMTR and HANARO are introduced and cooperation experiments as future plan are discussed for international standardization of the instruments in the Material Testing Reactors.

Oral presentation

Post irradiation examination technology exchange

Sozawa, Shizuo; Ito, Masayasu; Taguchi, Taketoshi; Nakagawa, Tetsuya; Lee, H.-K.*

no journal, , 

Under the KAERI and JAEA agreement, in development of post irradiation exam technology, as a matter about nuclear safety until now, technical information has been interchanged about hot examination technology, such as recycling technique of a irradiated capsule, nano level analytical skills indispensable to the newest irradiation research, telemetering technology, etc. between KAERI and JAEA. In above activity, a part of the program 18 (Program 18: Post Irradiation Examination and Evaluation Technique of Irradiated Materials), in order to raise the post irradiation exam technology that is currently performed with both facilities, implementation of the round robin test was proposed. A test prepares a standard sample, measures it with both measuring instrument, and compares test data. This test was taken as the eddy current Test which is a part of a nondestructive test.

Oral presentation

Development of the capsule assembling device at JMTR Hot Laboratory

Tayama, Yoshinobu; Kanazawa, Yoshiharu; Souzawa, Shizuo; Kawamata, Kazuo; Shizuoka, Yoshihiro; Onizawa, Satoshi; Nakagawa, Tetsuya

no journal, , 

In the JMTR, the power ramping test is planned with high burn-up fuel as irradiation test. In the hot laboratory facilities, in accordance with the plan, as part of the development of facilities to deal with high burn-up fuel, replacing the assemble method using conventional shielding container, the system was developed that carries capsule to cell and performs assembling using capsule loading system put underwater of canal. Development has been completed in FY 2010.

Oral presentation

Support required for safety management of JMTR in extended shutdown

Watahiki, Shunsuke; Yamaura, Takayuki; Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi

no journal, , 

The Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) had been operated for 38 years with 165 cycles for various users since the first criticality in 1968. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) decided to refurbish the JMTR for long-term operation. The JMTR has been in an extended shutdown period since August, 2006 for its refurbishment, and will restart in 2012. In order to enhance the operational capability of JMTR, equipments to be renewed were selected based on the evaluation on its damage and wear in term of aging and so on. As for the safety management during reactor operation, the facility periodical own inspection and daily inspection is carried out for the purpose of maintaining soundness and reliability of facility and equipments. The safety management during reactor shutdown is also carried out as well as it of reactor operation term. Long-term safety operation of the JMTR will be realized by the refurbishment on the appropriate components with the justified inspection and the renewal work. For the influence of the earthquake, the investigation into integrity of JMTR facilities has been carried out until now.

Oral presentation

Improvement of the center boring device for the irradiated fuel pellets

Shiina, Hidenori; Usami, Koji; Sakuraba, Naotoshi; Harada, Akio; Onozawa, Atsushi; Nakata, Masahito

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Current status of JRR-3; After 3.11 Earthquake in Japan

Arai, Masaji; Murayama, Yoji; Wada, Shigeru

no journal, , 

JRR-3 at Tokai site of JAEA was in its regular maintenance period, when the Great East Japan Earthquake was taken place on 11th March 2011. The reactor building with their solid foundations and the equipment important to safety survived the earthquake without serious damage and no radioactive leakage has been occurred. Recovery work is planned to be completed by the end of this March. At the same time, check and test of the integrity of all components and seismic assessment to show resistance with the 3.11 earthquake have been carried out. JRR-3 will restart its operation after completing above mentioned procedures.

14 (Records 1-14 displayed on this page)
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